Get Creative With Pi Day Classroom Activities
Every year, March 14 (3.14) marks Pi Day! Students, teachers, and math-fanatics of all ages will be celebrating. How much do you know about Pi? How many numbers can you recite from memory? There are some amazing Pi Day classroom resources and activities out there! Check out our Pi Day Pinterest Board, where we've pinned some of the best collections of activities we came across. We urge you to also incorporate writing and animation into your Pi Day festivities. Consider trying this with our program Animation-ish.
First, do some writing activities based on Pi. Here are some brief suggestions we wrote up:
Pi Day Writing Activity Ideas
Next, use an animation program like Animation-ish to create an animation inspired by Pi. Check out this film created by high schooler Ben Reynolds. He created this in the middle level of Animation-ish in no time!
How will you be celebrating Pi Day? Comment to let us know! And be sure to send any classroom projects our way — we love seeing math and creativity combined!