Getting Started with FableVision Learning’s CTE
Welcome to FableVision Learning CTE. This page is designed to get you started with access to the tool and the curriculum platform.
Step 1: Accessing FableVision Games
FableVision Games ( is where students/teachers will access either FabMaker Studio or Animation-ish. To manage your account, please watch the video below.
Step 2: Accessing the CTE Curriculum on Skillify
As an Instructor
Log in
Navigate to
Enter Username: your email address
Password: Create123! (until you change it)
Load Students
Give students their class code you get after creating a class (see Create a Class instructions below).
DO NOT upload, add, or delete students in the “manage students” area of the platform.
View a Course As Instructor
Click on ASSIGN CONTENT → Courses
Scroll down to the name of the course.
Click the EYE ICON next to the course. (You can see the course, student resources, and instructor resources here.)
View a Course in “Student View”
Choose “Student” from the dropdown menu in the upper right corner.
Click Start next to the course.
Click Content to see and navigate the course content.
Getting Set up
Create a Class
Click CLASSES in the left side menu.
Click CREATE CLASS in the upper right corner.
Name the class.
On the next screen, you can add the course and/or tests.
Do not add students; you can do this with a simple code later.
Add an instructor to the course on the next screen. Choose instructor from the dropdown menu and add correct person.
Copy the code for students to use to get into the class.
Assign a Course to an Existing Class
Click CLASSES in the left menu bar.
Next to the class, click the Settings icon.
Click the green ADD NEW COURSE link.
Click the green ADD next to the course you’d like to add.
Assign Tests to Existing Class
Click CLASSES in the left menu bar.
Next to the class, click GEAR ICON.
Click the green +ADD NEW TEST link.
Click the green ADD next to the test you’d like to add.
Choose settings (You MUST select Proctor Authorization for Exam A and Exam B).
Student Sign up
Navigate to
Use Single Sign On for Microsoft or Google accounts OR Click SIGN UP in the upper right corner of the login box and create a username and password (no email necessary).
Log in.
Paste the Class Code given to you by your teacher into the white box at the top of the left menu bar.
Click COURSES to view your course or TESTS to view your tests.
Teaching and Testing
Assign a Proctor
Click MANAGE USERS in the left menu bar.
Click the green CREATE A USER button in the upper right.
Provide required information.
Copy the password to send to the proctor (auto email doesn’t always work).
Click PROCTOR slider.
Proctor: When students go into the Exam to take it, a pop-up will require a code. Follow these instructions to create a proctor code.
See Student Assignments
Click REVIEW ACTIVITIES in the left menu bar.
If necessary, sort by course or student at the top.
Use “>” to expand the list of activities.
Click the PAPER ICON to view and grade submissions.
View Test Results
Click the INFO ICON next to the test you’d like to view.
Click the green EXPORT button in the upper right and choose EXPORT TO CSV (ALL) to download the report.
Click the GRAPH ICON next to a student to view their results by question.